Firefox CGM Viewer Plugin

Our fast, full featured Viewer Plugin provides CGM viewing in the Firefox browser.

Larson's Firefox Viewer Plugin provides CGM viewing in the Firefox browser, either embedded in HTML document or in full screen mode. The Viewer is designed for Developers of Web-based document viewing applications.

The Firefox Viewer is built on the Gecko plugin architecture (NPAPI) and should be compatible with other browsers like Opera and Chrome that also use NPAPI.

The Firefox Viewer has full WebCGM 2.0 DOM, a powerful API for writing intelligent graphics applications in HTML/JavaScript.

Features:  Firefox CGM Viewer Plugin

-Full WebCGM 2.0 DOM, A JavaScript API and event model for programmatically interacting with graphical and non-graphical picture elements. For example, in Javascript identify a user click on a hotspot then change the color of a line or text element. This plus many other useful functions that enable development of applications such as Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals or Illustrated Parts Catalogs.

-Supports functionalities of hyper linking and document navigation, picture structuring and layering, and enabling of search and query of WebCGM content.

- Support XML Companion File for externalization of non-graphical metadata for   easier metadata management (link, screen tips....)

-Compliant with WebCGM 2.0 S1000D profile

-Toolbar for added user interaction: scale, zoom, pan, show hotspots

-Menu right-click menu provides text search in addition to scale, zoom, pan, show hotspots functions.

-Supports Open-Type and True-Type fonts

-OpenGL is utilized on Linux for fast and accurate graphics rendering.

-Embed CGMs in HTML document, with either an OBJECT tag or via the JavaScript API.

Object Tag Example:
<object data=BE-01.cgm type="image/cgm" width="600" height="600" />

JavaScript Example:
<body onload="document.getElementById('ivx1').getWebCGMDocument().src=
<object id="ivx1" type="image/cgm" width="450" height="450" />


Browsers: Firefox version 3.x - 11.0
Platforms: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and Linux RedHat, Suse
Input: CGM V1-V4, TIFF 6.0
Profiles: ATA, PIP, S1000D, and WebCGM 2.0

License required for use or distribution with Developer's application.